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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - appeal


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Перевод с английского языка appeal на русский

1. воззвание, обращение, призыв World Peace Council's A. —- Обращение Всемирного Совета Мира to support an appeal —- поддерживать обращение to make an appeal to smb.'s feelings —- взывать к чувствам 2. просьба, мольба (о помощи) mute appeal —- безмолвная просьба to respond to an appeal —- реагировать на просьбу to make an appeal for help —- молить о помощи 3. привлекательность, притягательность, очарование singular appeal —- особое обаяние delicate appeal —- тонкое очарование movies have a great appeal for him —- он очень увлекается кинематографом 4. юр. обжалование, жалоба; апелляция right of appeal —- право обжалования (судебного решения или приговора) by way of appeal —- путем обжалования (приговора) to be without appeal —- не подлежать обжалованию to file an appeal —- подавать жалобу, апеллировать в высшую инстанцию; подавать дело на пересмотр 5. юр. право апелляции 6. спорт. апелляция к судье to make an appeal to the umpire —- обращаться к судье (с просьбой о решении спорного вопроса); апеллировать к судье (в случае нарушения правил) 7. редк. применение, употребление to make an appeal to force —- прибегать к силе (для решения спорного вопроса) 8. апеллировать, взывать; обращаться с призывом to appeal to the public for contributions —- обратиться к общественности с просьбой о пожервтованиях (на оказание помощи пострадавшим) to appeal reason —- взывать к разуму I appeal to you to say whether I am speaking the truth —- я прошу вас подтвердить, что я говорю правду 9. просить, молить, умолять to appeal for mercy —- молить о пощаде the drifting ship appealed for help —- дрейфующее судно взывало о помощи 10. привлекать, интересовать; волновать, трогать to appeal to the eye —- радовать глаз the paintings appeal to him —- картины привлекают его does this sort of music appeal to you? —- вам нравится такая музыка? 11. ссылаться; аргументировать to appeal to facts —- ссылаться на факты to appeal to history —- обращаться к истории, призывать в свидетели историю he appealed to the number of dead as the reason why the fighting should stop —- необходимость выхода из боя он аргументировал числом убитых 12. юр. обжаловать, апеллировать, подавать апелляционную жалобу to appeal against the judge's decision —- обжаловать решение судьи the sentence has been appealed against —- решение суда обжаловано; приговор суда обжалован 13. спорт. апеллировать к арбитру; обращаться к судье за разрешением спорного вопроса, конфликта the captain appealed against the light —- капитан обратился к арбитру с предложением прекратить игру из-за наступления сумерек 14. прибегать if you do not obey I shall appeal to force —- если вы не подчинитесь, я применю силу Id: to appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober —- просить трезво взвесить все обстоятельства и пересмотреть неразумное решение
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См. в других словарях

  for pardon просьба о помиловании APPEAL to arms прибегать к оружию APPEAL to reason апеллировать к здравому смыслу APPEAL to the fact ссылаться на факт APPEAL  1. noun  1) призыв, обращение (to - к)  2) воззвание World Peace Councils Appeal - Обращение Всемирного Совета Мира  3) просьба, мольба (for - o) - appeal for pardon  4) привлекательность - make an appeal to - have appeal  5) влечение  6) leg. апелляция; право апелляции Syn: see request  2. v.  1) апеллировать, обращаться, прибегать, взывать (to - к) - appeal to the fact - appeal to reason - appeal to arms  2) взывать, умолять  3) привлекать, притягивать; нравиться these pictures do not appeal to me - эти картины не трогают меня  4) leg. подавать апелляционную жалобу to appeal to the country - распустить парламент и назначить новые выборы to appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober - уговаривать отказаться от необдуманного решения Syn: see plead ...
Англо-русский словарь
  см. appelate court ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. сущ. 1) призыв, воззвание, обращение 2) апелляция 3) просьба 4) жалоба 5) привлекательность, притягательность • - advertising appeal - allow an appeal - appeal a decision - appeal against a court decision - appeal against a decision - appeal against conviction - appeal against sentence - appeal against - appeal allowed - appeal case - appeal court - appeal dismissed - appeal for funds - appeal from a decision of the court - appeal from a judgment - appeal is provided for - appeal of a decision - appeal to court - appeal to - be subject of appeal - board of appeal - case on appeal - consideration of an appeal - consumer appeal - dismiss an appeal - dismissal of appeal - eye appeal - file an appeal - give notice of appeal - low-price appeal - service appeal - visual appeal Syn: petition 2. гл. 1) вызывать 2) обращаться с призывом 3) просить, молить 4) обжаловать, апеллировать 5) привлекать APPEAL 1) апелляция, апелляционная жалоба (ходатайство, подаваемое в судебные инстанции с просьбой о пересмотре решения по заявке); апеллировать, подавать апелляционную жалобу 2) призыв; довод 3) мотив 4) концепция – appeal from ... – to appeal a decision – advertising appeal – appetite appeal – eye appeal – informal appeal – patent appeal – snob appeal ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  aesthetic appeal planning appeal ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. make an earnest or formal request; plead (appealed for calm; appealed to us not to leave). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by to) be attractive or of interest; be pleasing. 3 intr. (foll. by to) resort to or cite for support. 4 Law a intr. (often foll. by to) apply (to a higher court) for a reconsideration of the decision of a lower court. b tr. refer to a higher court to review (a case). c intr. (foll. by against) apply to a higher court to reconsider (a verdict or sentence). 5 intr. Cricket call on the umpire for a decision on whether a batsman is out. --n. 1 the act or an instance of appealing. 2 a formal or urgent request for public support, esp. financial, for a cause. 3 Law the referral of a case to a higher court. 4 attractiveness; appealing quality (sex appeal). Derivatives appealer n. Etymology: ME f. OF apel, apeler f. L appellare to address ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English appel, from Anglo-French apel, from apeler  Date: 13th century  1. a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before a higher court for review of the decision of a lower court  2. a criminal accusation  3.  a. an application (as to a recognized authority) for corroboration, vindication, or decision  b. an earnest plea ; entreaty an ~ for help  c. an organized request for donations the annual ~  4. the power of arousing a sympathetic response ; attraction movies had a great ~ for him  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English appelen to accuse, ~, from Anglo-French apeler, literally, to call, summon, from Latin appellare, from appellere to drive to, from ad- + pellere to drive — more at felt  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to charge with a crime ; accuse  2. to take proceedings to have (a lower court's decision) reviewed in a higher court  intransitive verb  1. to take a lower court's decision to a higher court for review  2. to call upon another for corroboration, vindication, or decision  3. to make an earnest request ~ed to them for help  4. to arouse a sympathetic response that idea ~s to him  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (appeals, appealing, appealed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you appeal to someone to do something, you make a serious and urgent request to them. The Prime Minister appealed to young people to use their vote... He will appeal to the state for an extension of unemployment benefits... The United Nations has appealed for help from the international community. VERB: V to/for n to-inf, V to n for n, V for n 2. An appeal is a serious and urgent request. Romania’s government issued a last-minute appeal to him to call off his trip. = petition N-COUNT: oft N for/to n, N to-inf 3. An appeal is an attempt to raise money for a charity or for a good cause. ...an appeal to save a library containing priceless manuscripts... N-COUNT: oft N to-inf, N for n 4. If you appeal to someone in authority against a decision, you formally ask them to change it. In British English, you appeal against something. In American English, you appeal something. He said they would appeal against the decision... We intend to appeal the verdict... Maguire has appealed to the Supreme Court to stop her extradition. VERB: V against n, V n, V to n to-inf 5. An appeal is a formal request for a decision to be changed. Heath’s appeal against the sentence was later successful... The jury agreed with her, but she lost the case on appeal. N-VAR see also Court of Appeal 6. If something appeals to you, you find it attractive or interesting. On the other hand, the idea appealed to him... VERB: V to n 7. The appeal of something is a quality that it has which people find attractive or interesting. Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal... = attraction N-UNCOUNT: with supp see also sex appeal 8. see also appealing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an urgent request for something important such as money or help, especially to help someone in a bad situation + for  (The United Nations' appeal for a ceasefire has been largely ignored by both sides.) appeal to sb to do sth  (an appeal to parents to supervise their children | make/launch an appeal)  (In 1988 Bob Geldorf launched an urgent appeal for the famine victims.) 2 a quality that makes you like someone or something, be interested in them, or want them  (Much of Corfu's appeal lies in its lively night life.) + for  (The film has great appeal for young audiences.) popular/wide appeal (=liked by many people)  (CD-ROMs now have wider popular appeal. | sex appeal (=the quality of being sexually attractive))  (Marilyn Monroe had amazing sex appeal.) 3 a formal request to a court or to someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed  (an appeal to the European court of Human Rights)  (- see also Court of Appeal) ~2 v 1 to make a serious public request for help, money, information etc  (appeal (to sb) for sth)  (The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime. | The Bosnian government appealed for help from Western countries. | appeal to sb to do sth)  (She appealed to the kidnappers to release her son.) 2 appeal to sb if someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting  (Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you? | The magazine is intended to appeal to working women in their 20s and 30s.) 3 to make a formal request to a court or someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed  (If you are not satisfied, you can appeal.) 4 appeal to sb's better nature/sense of honour/sense of justice etc to try to persuade someone to do something by reminding them that it is a good, honourable etc thing to do ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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